
General imformation

Scope of the workshop

Important dates and fees

Registration and abstract

Organizing committee

Scientific committee

Field trip



The list of posters

Site map


9th 10th June 2025 : Federation of the scientific engineering unions

                                      National House of Science and Technology,

                                      Georgi S. Rakovski str. № 108

        11th June 2025 : 1.  Institute of Soil Science, Agrotechnologies and

                                          Plant protection Nikola Poushkarov (ISSAPPNP),

                                          Agricultural Academy, Bansko shose str. № 7

                                     2.  Field trip to Asarel Medet opencast mine

                                                 è     Hotels nearby




































GPS: 42.6925658889928, 23.326461562089307                                         You can download the map here.
















GPS: 42.73352574732856, 23.234828525804538                                        You can download the map here.