Scientific committee

General imformation

Scope of the workshop

Important dates and fees

Registration and abstract

Organizing committee

Scientific committee

Field trip



The list of posters

Scientific committee:

Prof. Dsc Irena Atanassova (Chair), ISSAPP Nikola Poushkarov, Bulgaria

Assoc. Prof. Maya Benkova, ISSAPP Nikola Poushkarov, Bulgaria

Prof. Dr. Svetla Rousseva, ISSAPP Nikola Poushkarov, Bulgaria

Prof. Dr. Anna Karczewska (Vice-Chair), WUELS, Poland

Prof. Dr. Stefan Norra, Potsdam University, Germany

Prof. Dr. Augustin Merino, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Assoc. Prof. Emil Dimitrov, ISSAPP Nikola Poushkarov, Bulgaria

Prof. Dr. Toma Shishkov, ISSAPP Nikola Poushkarov, Bulgaria

Prof. Dr. Zeljka Zgorelec, Zagreb University, Croatia

Dr. Ndzana Georges Martial, University of Dschang, Cameroon