(1) Includes scientists and experts working in the field of agrochemistry, agroecology and agricultural systems, and the laboratory "Analysis of water, soil solution, soils and plants".
(2) Works in the field of:
- study of the potential possibilities of the soils for maintaining ecological balance in them, without disturbing their natural status;
- study of the processes in the soil-water-plant system under technological and man-caused loading and risk assessment for the adjacent territories and surface and groundwater. Mediation solutions and technologies;
- study of the productivity of agroecosystems for the purposes of modeling and technological design;
- protection of the quality of surface and groundwater from anthropogenic impacts;
- development of ecochemical organic and inorganic indicators for anthropogenic and climatic impacts in the soil-water-plant-food system;
- agri-environmental assessment - database, pollution risk forecasts, methods and technologies for protection of soils, waters and plant products, educational program, etc .;
- study of the intake and absorption of nutrients in the soil and their behavior in the soil-water- (fertilizer) -plant system;
- agrochemical status of soils. Fertilization and creation of modern models for agrochemical services;
- sustainable agriculture: nutrient balance in organic and conventional agriculture;
- environmental monitoring, impact of soil acidity (pH, Al), heavy metals and pesticides on the quality and safety of crop production;
- development and testing of modern and innovative methods for analysis of soils, waters and plants;
- utilization of waste products and bioresources in agriculture. Use and utilization of organic waste / WWTP sludge /, organic fertilizers, composts, biochar, etc .;
- agri-environmental and agrochemical services, development of projects and contracts for the needs of producers and end users of scientific products;
- agricultural systems for maintaining soil fertility: crop rotations; tillage systems; integrated weed control; influence of agro-technical measures on soil parameters; agro-technical assessment of arable land;
- defining good agricultural practices to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change;
- development of technological solutions and technologies for the production of organic products;
- development of an integrated information system for the state and trends of grain production in our country, including environmental economic assessment and risk analysis.
(2) Works in the field of:
- study of the potential possibilities of the soils for maintaining ecological balance in them, without disturbing their natural status;
- study of the processes in the soil-water-plant system under technological and man-caused loading and risk assessment for the adjacent territories and surface and groundwater. Mediation solutions and technologies;
- study of the productivity of agroecosystems for the purposes of modeling and technological design;
- protection of the quality of surface and groundwater from anthropogenic impacts;
- development of ecochemical organic and inorganic indicators for anthropogenic and climatic impacts in the soil-water-plant-food system;
- agri-environmental assessment - database, pollution risk forecasts, methods and technologies for protection of soils, waters and plant products, educational program, etc .;
- study of the intake and absorption of nutrients in the soil and their behavior in the soil-water- (fertilizer) -plant system;
- agrochemical status of soils. Fertilization and creation of modern models for agrochemical services;
- sustainable agriculture: nutrient balance in organic and conventional agriculture;
- environmental monitoring, impact of soil acidity (pH, Al), heavy metals and pesticides on the quality and safety of crop production;
- development and testing of modern and innovative methods for analysis of soils, waters and plants;
- utilization of waste products and bioresources in agriculture. Use and utilization of organic waste / WWTP sludge /, organic fertilizers, composts, biochar, etc .;
- agri-environmental and agrochemical services, development of projects and contracts for the needs of producers and end users of scientific products;
- agricultural systems for maintaining soil fertility: crop rotations; tillage systems; integrated weed control; influence of agro-technical measures on soil parameters; agro-technical assessment of arable land;
- defining good agricultural practices to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change;
- development of technological solutions and technologies for the production of organic products;
- development of an integrated information system for the state and trends of grain production in our country, including environmental economic assessment and risk analysis.